maandag 22 februari 2016

Prototype 3

This prototype is based on the use of tubes and a flexible textile, similar to the bauhaus  tubular chair. The first two pictures show the table, the closed box and the flat pack. The third and fourth picture show the box completely and partly opened, the last picture shows the table.

Side view

Front view

Box partly opened

Box completely opened


The bauhaus tubular chair:

zondag 21 februari 2016

Prototype 2

This is another possible design which can be converted into table or basket. 

The prototype the prototype focuses on the type of assembly and how you can change from one product to another with a simple movements. 

The first picture is the basket. 

With any flexible material such as a fabric and a stick it  can be converted into a good way to connect both sides

To transform it into a table you only have to turn over the basket and change the position of the legs combining the sticks of different sizes. 

donderdag 18 februari 2016

Prototype 1

We made some different prototypes of possibilities we have for the table and basket design.

A first possible basket is this one. It has four holes on the sides, so the basket would be easy to carry around. This basket can be turned in a lot of different tables.

A first possiblity for the table is this one. In our last post we decided that this would be the design of the table, but it doesn't have a lot of stability.

Another possibility with a rectangle surface is this one. Because the legs of the table form triangles, this design has a lot more stability and can even stand on its own (even though it's made with

Another design could be this one, but the surface needs to be a square. With this design, the table has also some planks under the surface where you can place some stuff.

dinsdag 16 februari 2016

Feedback + what we're going to do this week

The combination of a table and basket seems like a good idea and can have multiple applications. For example, it can be used for a picknick, where you can bring your food in the basket and when you are at the location, you can change your basket into a table so you can eat more comfortable.

The product has to be very easy to assembly for the customer without any unnecessary instructions. Some suggestions we got are zippers or velcro or just any method a customer will already know and recognize. Another idea we got from the feedback is glow in the dark material. The product can be very original and creative.

This week we all will make at least one prototype of a possible table/ basket. This will not be with the right materials yet, it's to have a better idea of how the product can look like and has to be assembled. If we have some prototypes, it's easier to make decisions about the materials and how to assemble them.

We agreed that for our prototypes we can still change the design of the table/ basket, but not too much. These are the requirements that we need to keep in mind:
- the surface of the table/basket is the flexible material (textile, rubber, ...)
- there have to be handles for the basket so it can be easily transported
- the surface has to be a geometrical figure (square, rectangle, hexagon, ...)
- easy to clean (so there aren't any leftovers of food)
- waterproof? (is a wish but not a demand, cause normally you don't go picknicking if it's raining outside)

We already made some small lists of possible materials, assembly-methods, ... we can use.

Flexible Materials
- Plexi
- Textile (can be woven = low volume technique)
- Rubber (can be rubber bands as well)
- Plastic foil

Other Materials
- Wood (multiplex, mdf, ...)
- Aluminium
- ABS (this we can lasercut, which is also a low volume technique)
- Foam

How to assembly
- Click-joints
- Stitching
- Zippers
- Velcro
- (Push)buttons
- Screws or glue when we assembly parts that the customer doesn't need to disassembly

maandag 15 februari 2016

Idea generation, exploration and decision

First of all, the three of us separately started thinking about some ideas. We didn't go much into the details of each idea because in this first phase, quantity was more important than quality. The first batch of ideas were very diverse and are listed below. Some ideas were also illustrated with some basic sketches and even a prototype.

- step + umbrella

- coat hanger + umbrella

- bike + shopping kart

- wheel barrel + garden chair

- swing + hammock

- bottle opener + bottle cooler

- cupboard + coat hanger/stand

- cupboard + table / chair

- suitcase + desk

- multifunctional kitchen utensil

- chair + bookcase

- candle holder + paper holder

- chair + laundry rack

- side tabel + basket

- bookmark + bookend

To make a first selection, every team member wrote down which was his/her favorite idea of each team member and him/herself. It was pretty clear that the side table in combination with the basket was our favourite. We then proceeded by exploring this idea. Every team member drew some concept sketches on how this combination could be realized. Some of these sketches are shown below.

With the different ideas of the table, we commented and discussed every idea and how the different aspects of the assignment could be implemented in the design. In the end, we chose a final concept.
This concept is shown below.

As a preparation to next week, we all will evaluate different materials and production methods to use for the chosen concept.

donderdag 11 februari 2016


Design a finished product (no prototype) that can be produced with a minimum of 2 low-volume production techniques. The product consists of at least two materials from which one material is a flexible material. The product should consist of several components in which the components can be assembled in a variety of ways in which each assembly / configuration performs a different function.

It must be possible to disassemble the product completely so that it can be packed as a flat pack. All the components must be used in all configurations. The assembly instructions must be integrated into the product and be clear to randomly selected people. (No external mounting instructions, no additional assembly tools, it should be clear for the end user how to assemble the product for config.1 and how to assemble it for configuration X merely by viewing the product)

Make for all components of your product a production plan (necessary machinery and tools) and an investment plan linked to the lot sizes.

The focus of this assignments is put on functionality (function, use, simplicity of installation / configuration), choice of suitable materials and production methods. Design for optimal use of materials and processes for small series production with the ability to upscale the batch sizes (process control). Provide a simple assembly and disassembly explaining the possible configurations and features for a user in a simple way without accompanying instructions or manual.