woensdag 23 maart 2016

Improving Prototype 4

After the last feedback we tried to improve prototype 4, following the feedback we received at the consult yesterday. 

The idea is to put the different planks in the textile (except for the bottom plate; only the top of this plank is covered with textile) to form the basket and to make it easier to transform it into the table (you just remove two planks out of the textile).  

To close the textile (where the side planks are put in), we use velcro. 

 We are still studying a way to connect the table surface with the legs, but one possibility is to make it with velcro too, making a guide in cross form. 

dinsdag 22 maart 2016

Feedback 22/03/'16

Today we had to show our new concept of the table/ basket to Mr. Detand and Mr. Parmentier.
This is a short summary of the feedback we received:

Mr. Detand:
We made a lot of progress this week about our design. The new concept is a lot better than the one of last week. Although we should think about another assembly method than the duvets, because he's not convinced about that part. He suggested using the textile (on which you will put the picknick material) to make the switching from basket to table (and vice versa) easier. This could be by making the textile a little bit bigger than the basket, so that it can be attached over the edges, or by using the method of putting the wooden planks into the textile and using the textile to make our connection between the planks. Some quick drawings for these ideas:

Some suggestions for assembly possibilities are:
Velcro, zipper, ...

What we have to do before the next consult?
We should think about which materials we're going to use for the different parts. We should also make a new prototype (scale 1:1), in wich we use the textile as an assembly-part.

Mr. Parmentier
He also thinks we have a good concept this week, but he also has his doubts on the duvets. He said there a lot of other methods we could use, that would have the same result (using slots, or already existing wood assemblies, ...)

He also said that we needed to think some more about how we will assembly the legs of the table to the surface. Because if we only use slots, and you accidently give a small push to the surface, that all your stuff and food will fall on the ground. 

donderdag 17 maart 2016

Prototype 4

After an interesting discussion, it was clear that our picknick basket - picknick table idea had to be changed dramatically. After a 1 on 1 scale prototype of the prototype chose in the blogpost of 2/3/2015, which was perfect in dimensions as a table, but rather large when used as a a basket, new and extended feedback was given:
- no hinges can be used
- there should be more focus on total disassembly of one product to reassemble all the pieces in a completely different way to get to the next product.
- the use of the flexible material should be structural in both products, and not merely practical.
- the idea of a picknick table which is sitting above the ground was good for Mr. Parmentier (it would be better ergonomic to eat on a table, than on the ground) .
- Mr. Detand suggested that the content of the basket should be removable from the basket without distributing it all over the area in order to construct the table. Some sort of second basket or 'food tray' should be considered.
- the weight of the empty basket should really be a concern and the materials should be chosen with this weight in mind.

After this feedback moment, a new idea was designed and the result can be seen below.

The flexibel material will be used for the handles of the basket and will perform a structural function in the legs of the table (the flexible material will keep the legs in the correct position)

This idea was also prototyped in a 1 on 1 scale, which can be seen below. 

This idea will be finished for the next class so new feedback can be given and the prototype can be finalized.

We also tested if the height of the table is good for eating. 

Design templates

For the class of 15/3/2016, we filled in the templates for the feedback and consult of Yannick about 'low volume production'. They were filled in for our prototype which can be seen in the blogpost of 2/3/2015. All the templates can be seen below.

The consult learned us to focus really on trying to use as much standard parts as possible to increase the simplicity of the product. It is also important to determine the boundaries of the product in terms of production methods, cost etc. before designing wild ideas. You should consider certain limitations from the beginning of the project in order to work efficiently and get concrete results fast.

woensdag 2 maart 2016

Feedback + new prototypes

This last Tuesday, we did a small presentation of our prototype and got some new feedback. We need to focus more on the most important aspects such as the assemblies and the flexible material. It should be used in a more essential way in the product. We should also think more about the dimensions and how to make the table out of the basket, without having to put your food on the ground.
For these reasons, we made some new prototypes with a focus on these issues. 


The main material is flexible, held together by tubes (see drawings). The prototype is based on a tent; quick and easy to open and close it.


In this prototype, we use the flexible material to make sure that the surface of the table is bigger than the surface of the basket. When the product is a basket, the flexible material are pockets (for example, it can be used for cutlery and small objects).


It has three functionalities, because the basket can be changed into a bag for the bike or into a simple basket. 

We chose to work with the second prototype. This week we will think about other possible legs/handles for the table/ basket because this isn't optimal yet. We will also think about the dimensions more in detail to see if the table will be big enough, if the basket will be easy to carry, ...

We also made a 1:1 prototype of the second idea. This was the result :

The size of the basket seemed a little bit big, but the size of the surface of the table is ok.