dinsdag 22 maart 2016

Feedback 22/03/'16

Today we had to show our new concept of the table/ basket to Mr. Detand and Mr. Parmentier.
This is a short summary of the feedback we received:

Mr. Detand:
We made a lot of progress this week about our design. The new concept is a lot better than the one of last week. Although we should think about another assembly method than the duvets, because he's not convinced about that part. He suggested using the textile (on which you will put the picknick material) to make the switching from basket to table (and vice versa) easier. This could be by making the textile a little bit bigger than the basket, so that it can be attached over the edges, or by using the method of putting the wooden planks into the textile and using the textile to make our connection between the planks. Some quick drawings for these ideas:

Some suggestions for assembly possibilities are:
Velcro, zipper, ...

What we have to do before the next consult?
We should think about which materials we're going to use for the different parts. We should also make a new prototype (scale 1:1), in wich we use the textile as an assembly-part.

Mr. Parmentier
He also thinks we have a good concept this week, but he also has his doubts on the duvets. He said there a lot of other methods we could use, that would have the same result (using slots, or already existing wood assemblies, ...)

He also said that we needed to think some more about how we will assembly the legs of the table to the surface. Because if we only use slots, and you accidently give a small push to the surface, that all your stuff and food will fall on the ground. 

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